Thursday 14 February 2013

Zodiac Horoscope for Virgo 2013

Posted by arie at 2:11 am

Happy Valentine’s Day all~~
Berhubung hari ini harinya para pecinta, maka hari ini saya akan posting horoscope tahunan buat virgo... errr, apa hubungannya ya horoscope tahunan sama hari valentine?! Ya emang gak ada hubungannya. Tapi berhubung hari ini hari valentine, jadi ya kayaknya itu kalimat pembuka yang pantas.hahaha. N berhubung lagi saya seorang single*bangga* jadi gak minat2 banget buat bahas valentine, jadi bahas horoscope tahunan aja. Kan sekarang masih terhitung tahun baru kan yah?! Ini udah februari kakak, tahun baru udah lewat..biarin.. tahun baru China kan baru kemarin... Biar gak usah ngelantur lama-lama langsung aja cekidot yearly horoscope for virgo... iya, Cuma buat virgo.. because i’am a loyal virgonian.. ^^V

You are a shy and modest sign, Virgo. You are also quite practical, perfectionist, and methodical. You probably live by the saying "everything in moderation." And while these traits have contributed and will continue to contribute to your success financially and in business, they can have a negative impact in your personal relationships. This year you will need to learn how to find greater balance in your life. You have to learn to indulge now and then, because everybody needs to immerse themselves in passionate pursuits. In other words, you need to ease your grip on the reins in 2013, and try not to be as controlling, as critical, and as harsh as you have been in the past. Loosen up, and you'll feel happier far more often.
 In love, Virgo, you are like the bud of a rose plant. You are always just on the verge of opening yourself up and looking toward the heavens. But at the same time, your heart is often tightly closed, protecting itself. This describes you in many ways, but especially in love. In 2013, your assignment is to be more open to love - not just romantic love, but also the kind of love you share with friends and relatives. You have to learn to be more expressive, more emotional, more passionate, and more giving. It is only through learning these things that you will also be able to receive greater love from others. You will likely meet a few potential love interests this year, but you may not feel ready to embark on anything beyond a non-committed romance. However, toward the end of the year, someone will stir your passions, and bring out a wilder, more exciting side of yourself.

 You can be very rigid on your likes, your dislikes, and your rules in general. For example, you strive to be neat and organized, and you have a very hard time tolerating any other behavior from anyone else. This often restricts your relationships with everyone, including your family. In 2013 you will need to be less judgmental and more loving... less critical and more supportive. You have a whole year to figure this out, Virgo, and if you do you will certainly be a happier person.

 Although you have strict ideas about how things should be, you also have a side that is very objective. You can see all sides of a problem. That's a strong quality to have, because it makes you an excellent mediator and a great strategist. In your career, this trait is exceptionally helpful. In the new year you will have quite a few small opportunities to bring your career or your personal business closer to grand success. When these arise, just be sure that your objectivity doesn't get in the way of your own personal success.
Copyright © DailyHoroscope.

Gimana?! Lumayan bagus kan ramalan buat virgo tahun ini?!! Yah mari ambil positifnya dan buang negatifnya.. postingan ini Cuma buat lucu2an aja kok..gak ada niat buat musrik2an...ngeri banget kakak dibilang musyrik. Kalo ada yang bagus ambil positifnya, berusaha buat bisa mencapai dan menjadikannya kenyataan. Yang jelek2nya jadiin sebagai warning aja dalam menjalani hidup..


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